Digital Artifacts


This page preserves for perpetuity pictures of influential leaders, historical objects and mementos, places, books, correspondence, documents, and other items of historical interest in occupational therapy. Information as to how you can contribute to this collection is provided.

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This collection is a work in progress. You are invited to submit pictures of artifacts and pictures of historical significance to occupational therapy for inclusion on the OT Leaders and Legacies Society’s (OTL&LS) History Preservation Project’s Digital Artifacts webpage.  Your submissions may fall into categories already established (see below) or in another category that is relevant to OT History.  A caption identifying and/or describing the subject matter must be submitted with each picture. You must own the rights to the submitted picture(s), and/or ensure that posting the digital artifact adheres to copyright law and/or fair use standards. When you submit pictures you own, you must also submit a signed Historical Works and Artifact release form (fillable form via download) giving permission to the OT L&L Society to post the picture(s) on its Historical Works webpage. By giving this permission, you do not relinquish any copyright or performance rights that you may hold. When you submit a picture that is in the public domain, please provide a link to its source.

Digital files may be submitted in the following formats: jpg, png, pdf, or tiff. A minimum resolution for digital files of 300 dpi is recommended. Please email the digital file(s), release form(s), and caption(s) identifying and/or describing the subject matter to the

Detailed Guidelines for Submission of Digital Artifacts can be found here.

Current Established Artifact Categories

Please Note

Please note that downloading, copying, and any unauthorized use and/or distribution of the pictures in the Occupational Therapy Leaders & Legacies Society (OTL&LS) Digital Artifact project without express written permission from the OTL&LS is strictly prohibited. 

Disclaimer: The OTL&LS has created this display of images as part of its larger effort to document occupational therapy history. Care has been taken to obtain signed permissions for each photograph used and to ensure that it adheres to copyright law and/or fair use standards. However, the Society is unable to confirm the identities or associated information pertaining to any person(s) or objects depicted, nor to authenticate the validity of the releases it has obtained in good faith. Therefore, it disclaims liability for such errors. Please contact the society at with any concerns and they will be promptly addressed.


George Edward Barton Letter (1905)

A December 5, 1905 letter from George Edward Barton to Hermann Sudermann, a dramatist and novelist.  It is believed that the book Barton sent Sudermann was “Pipe of Desire: An Opera in One Act”.  Barton wrote the libretto for this opera.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Transcription of Letter:

Boston Mass

Dec 5 05

My dear Sir - 

Please pardon my presumption but it is necessary that I should send this little book to you who have given me so much –

Very respectfully Yours
George Edward Barton

Hermann Sudermann


G.E. Barton Ad (1921)

An ad published in The Trained Nurse and Hospital Review in 1921 by George Edward Barton promoting occupational therapy.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

St. Louis School of OT 1923 Bulletin

The 1923 Bulletin of the St. Louis School of Occupational Therapy provides information about requirements for admission and graduation, curriculum, academic calendar, fees, administration, lecturers, staff, and alumni. (Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Registration of Occupational Therapists (1936)

This brochure, Registration of Occupational Therapists 1936, describes the registration categories and training required for each category in order to be listed as a registered occupational therapist in the National Register and Directory of qualified occupational therapists.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Occupational Therapy - 2001 AD

This booklet contains the papers presented at a “special session of the Representative Assembly, November 1978”. This session, was held in Scottsdale, Arizona.  Selected leaders of the profession were invited to present papers to the participants to help in setting a future course for the profession.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

AOTF Silent Auction & Fundraising Night Cap

The 1996 program from the American Occupational Therapy Foundation’s “The Grand Finale”, a Silent Auction & Fundraising Night Cap. For many years AOTF held a yearly silent auction and fundraiser to benefit the Education and Research Programs of AOTF.  This was the last year this event was held.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen) 

Kidner Pamphlet (1929)

Co-authored by Thomas B. Kidner (a founder of  AOTA and president of AOTA from 1923 - 1928) and Emil Frankel for the State of New Jersey Department of Institutions and Agencies, this pamphlet outlines the physical requirements for psychiatric facilities in New Jersey.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Historical Books

Barton, pages 1-2

Signed copy of Pipe of Desire: An Opera in One Act.  George Edward Barton wrote the libretto for this opera, the first American opera to be performed at the Metropolitan Opera in New York.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Reconstruction Therapy, pages 1-2

Signed copy of Reconstruction Therapy (1919) by Dr. William Rush Dunton, Jr.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Reconstruction Therapy - Credo

Credo, written by Dr. William Rush Dunton, Jr., in Reconstruction Therapy (1919).
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Dunton, pages 1-2

Signed copy of Old Quilts by William Rush Dunton, Jr., M.D.  This self-published book is highly prized by occupational therapists and quilters alike.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Willard and Spackman brochure

The brochure advertising the first edition of Principles of Occupational Therapy (1947) edited by Helen Willard and Clare Spackman.  After Helen Willard and Clare Spackman “retired” as editors in 1978, subsequent editions the book was titled “Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy”.  Note the price of the first edition - $4.50. 
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Willard & Spackman, 12 editions

First 12 editions of Willard and Spackman.  First two editions were titled Principles of Occupational Therapy, editions 3 and 4 were titled Occupational Therapy, and subsequent editions were titled Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy after Helen Willard and Clare Spackman “retired” as editors. (Left side, top to bottom – 1st ed-1947; 2nd ed-1954; 3rd ed-1963; 4th ed-1973; Right side, top to bottom – 5th ed-1978, 6th ed- 1983, 7th ed-1988, 8th ed-1993; middle section left to right – 9th ed-1998, 10th ed-2003, 11th ed-2009, 12th ed-2014).
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Willard and Spackman - signed

Title page of Principles of Occupational Therapy (First edition) signed by the editors Helen Willard and Clare Spackman.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

A Pyschiatrist's Anthology, pages 1-2

The Psychiatrist’s Anthology, a book by Louis J. Karnosh, was printed and assembled by the Department of Occupational Therapy in the Psychopathic Division of the City Hospital in the City of Cleveland, Ohio in 1931 - The Occupational Therapy Press.  Participation in the printing process was an activity that patients participated in as part of their therapy.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Betty Blake, O.T.

The book, Betty Blake, O.T.: A Story of Occupational Therapy (1941), was one of the career romance novels written to inform and recruit young women to pursue a career in occupational therapy.  The collaborating author, Meta R. Cobb, O.T.R., was the executive secretary of the American Occupational Therapy Association from 1938 to 1947.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

The Healing Heart

The book, The Healing Heart: The Story of Ora Ruggles, Pioneer in Occupational Therapy (1961), is about Ora Ruggles’ life and work as a reconstruction aide and as an occupational therapist. (Submitted by Lori T. Andersen) 

Proceedings - The First Annual Meeting of NSPOT, pages 1-2

The Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the National Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy (NSPOT) held on September 3, 1917 in New York City were published in a book format.  The book was printed and bound by the Spring Grove Hospital Press and the Sheppard Hospital Press as part of occupational therapy.  NSPOT founder Dr. William Rush Dunton was head of the occupational therapy department at Sheppard Hospital in Towson, Maryland.  The First Annual Meeting of NSPOT took place about 5 months after the Inaugural Meeting of NSPOT held from March 15 to 17, 1917 in Clifton Springs, New York. (Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

W & S - First Three Editions

First three editions of the occupational therapy text edited by Helen Willard and Clare Spackman with dust covers.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Objects and Mementoes

RA Pin

A Reconstruction Aide pin.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

OT Pin - Caduceus

Early occupational therapy pin circa 1922.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)


Coffee mugs sold at American Occupational Therapy conferences by AOTPAC to raise money for the PAC (Political Action Committee).  Mugs are arranged by year conference was held.  From left to right - Kansas, 1984; Atlanta, 1985; Minneapolis, 1986; Indianapolis, 1987; Phoenix, 1988; Baltimore, 1989.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

BS OT Cape

A cape belonging to Virginia Gray, a 1931 graduate of the Boston School of Occupational Therapy per the label sewn into the cape.  Once erroneously identified as a Reconstruction Aide cape, this case was more consistent with the style cape worn circa 1930.  Virginia Gray’s alma mater further explains the gold letters on the collar – BS on the right side and OT on the left side for Boston School of Occupational Therapy.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Occupational Therapist Patch

Patch design adopted by the American Occupational Therapy Association in 1940.  The patch could only be worn by registered occupational therapists.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

OT Apprentice Patch

Patch worn by students enrolled in War Emergency courses during WWII when there was a shortage of occupational therapists.  This curriculum could be completed in 12 months – 4 months of didactic coursework and eight months of practical experience working as an occupational therapy apprentice. (Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

1962 AOTA Napkins

Napkins from the 1962 American Occupational Therapy conference.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

AOTF Celebration Champagne Glasses

Champagne Glasses from the AOTF 50th Anniversary Celebration in 2015.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Small Purse

Item made in occupational therapy – Vermont Department of Public Health.  Appears to be a small change purse.  In the early years, items made by patients in occupational therapy were often sold with proceeds sometimes going to the patient and sometimes to purchase more supplies and equipment.  The recognition that someone valued and purchased an item made by a patient helped to improve patients’ self-esteem.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Art Metal Work

These Art Metal Work pieces were created by Gladys Lewis, occupational therapist, in her studio at Bloomingdale Hospital.  The first is a copper hammered bowl (6” in diameter), next a hammered copper platter (18” in diameter), and third a hammered copper plate (6” in diameter) with cutouts done by hand.  As part of their treatment at Bloomingdale Hospital, patients participated in art metal work because its therapeutic value and ability to grade this craft to meet the needs of each patient.
(Submitted by Barbara Thompson)

Jewelry Work

These jewelry pieces were created by Gladys Lewis, occupational therapist, in her jewelry shop.  As part of their treatment at Bloomingdale Hospital, patients participated in jewelry making because its therapeutic value and ability to grade this craft to meet the needs of each patient.
(Submitted by Barbara Thompson)


AOTA's 100 Influential People

In honor of the centennial, AOTA created a '100 influential people' project to recognize people who influenced occupational therapy’s 100 year history.

Pictures with Fred Sammons

Fred Sammons is an occupational therapist who is internationally recognized for his pioneering work in the design, construction, and distribution of adaptive devices, therapeutic equipment, and assistive technology that enables persons with disabilities to engage in their desired activities. Fred’s practice innovations, ground-breaking entrepreneurship, wide-reaching philanthropy, and unwavering commitment to occupational therapy have been widely recognized. See 100 Influential People in Occupational Therapy: Fred Sammons, PhD (Hon.), OT, FAOTA and Fred Sammons, PhD (Hon), OT, FAOTA - AOTF News

For decades, Fred invited AOTA annual conference attendees to have a picture taken with him at the Sammons' exhibit hall booth. For many conference attendees, taking a picture with Fred was a highly valued conference tradition. Fred has granted permission for all pictures with him and AOTA conference attendees and photos that were taken with him at other formal professional events to be preserved for perpetuity in this collection.

On December 18, 2024, the OTLLS celebrated Fred’s 97th birthday by sending him an electronic card that included a montage of over 100 pictures from the below collection. Click here to view Fred's electronic birthday card.

Leslie McGinnis - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Leslie McGinnis and Fred Sammons taken at the 1979 AOTA Conference in Detroit, Michigan.
(Submitted by Leslie McGinnis)

Shirley O'Brien - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) unknown, Shirley O'Brien, Fred Sammons, and unknown taken at an AOTA Conference. The exact year and location of the photo are unknown. There are pictures of Shirley and Fred ranging from at least the 1990s - 2018.
(Submitted by Shirley O'Brien)

Millie Gittinger - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Millie Gittinger and Fred Sammons taken at an AOTA Conference in the late 1970s. The exact  year and location of the photo are unknown.
(Submitted by Millie Gittinger)

Millie Gittinger - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Millie Gittinger and Fred Sammons taken at an AOTA Conference in the late 1970s. The exact  year and location of the photo are unknown.
(Submitted by Millie Gittinger)

Linda Struckmeyer - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Linda Struckmeyer and Fred Sammons taken at either the 1981 AOTA Conference in San Antonio, TX or the 1982 AOTA Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
(Submitted by Linda Struckmeyer)

Lauri Proulx - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Lauri Proulx taken at the 1984 AOTA Conference in Kansas City, MO.
(Submitted by Lauri Proulx)

Kathy Hoffmann-Grotting - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Kathy Hoffmann-Grotting and Fred Sammons taken at the 1988 AOTA Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
(Submitted by Kathy Hoffmann-Grotting)

Reggie Michael Campbell - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Reggie Michael Campbell, believed to be taken at an AOTA Conference or TOTA Conference prior to 1990.  The exact location and date of the photo are unknown. There are photos of Reggie and Fred from the 1990s to 2008.
(Submitted by Reggie Michael Campbell)

Amy Lorino - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Amy Cook Lorino (Columbia University OT student), Fred Sammons, unknown person, and Danielle Bergson (Columbia University OT student) taken at the 1990 AOTA Conference in New Orleans, LA.
(Submitted by Amy Lorino)

Reggie Michael Campbell - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Joy Danches, Fred Sammons, and Reggie Michael Campbell, believed to be taken at an AOTA Conference or TOTA Conference around 1990.  The exact location and date of the photo are unknown. There are photos of Reggie and Fred from the 1990s to 2008.
(Submitted by Reggie Michael Campbell)

Reggie Michael Campbell - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Kathy Nielson, Fred Sammons, Lauren Campbell (front), and Reggie Michael Campbell taken at the 1992 AOTA Conference in Seattle, WA. There are photos of Reggie and Fred from the 1990s to 2008.
(Submitted by Reggie Michael Campbell)

Kim Morgan - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Kim Morgan and Fred Sammons taken at the 1993 AOTA Conference in Seattle, WA. There are photos of Kim and Fred from various years from 1993-2006.
(Submitted by Kim Morgan)

Ben Atchison - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Ben Atchison and Fred Sammons taken at the 1993 AOTA annual conference in Seattle, WA.
(Submitted by Ben Atchison)

Debra Lindstrom - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Debra Lindstrom and Fred Sammons taken at the 1993 AOTA Conference in Seattle, WA. There are photos of Debra and Fred from various years from 1993-2015.
(Submitted by Debra Lindstrom)

Mary Spores - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) David, Laura Stevenson, Lucy, Fred Sammons, and Mary Spores taken at the 1994 Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC) Conference at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, CA. There is a subsequent picture of Mary and Fred 25 years later in 2019.
(Submitted by Mary Spores)

Reggie Michael Campbell - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Reggie Michael Campbell, Fred Sammons, and Carol Clerico taken at the 1995 AOTA Conference in Denver, CO. There are photos of Reggie and Fred from the 1990s to 2008.
(Submitted by Reggie Michael Campbell)

Reggie Michael Campbell - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Lauren Michael Campbell, Fred Sammons, Reggie Michael Campbell, and David Campbell taken at the 1996 TOTA Annual Conference. There are photos of Reggie and Fred from the 1990s to 2008.
(Submitted by Reggie Michael Campbell)

Jean Polichino - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Jean Polichino and Fred Sammons taken at the 1996 AOTA Conference in Chicago, IL.
(Submitted by Jean Polichino)

Shirley O'Brien - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right, back row) Fred Sammons, Shirley O'Brien, and unknown taken at the 1997 AOTA Conference in Orlando, FL. There are pictures of Shirley and Fred ranging from at least the 1990s - 2018.
(Submitted by Shirley O'Brien)

Gail Fisher - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Joy Hammel, Fred Sammons, and Gail Fisher taken at the 1997 AOTA Conference in Orlando, FL.
(Submitted by Gail Fisher)

Debra Lindstrom - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Debra Lindstrom taken at the 1997 AOTA Conference in Orlando, FL. There are photos of Debra and Fred from various years from 1993-2015.
(Submitted by Debra Lindstrom)

Leslie Jackson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Leslie Jackson taken at the 1999 AOTA Conference in Indianapolis, IN. There are pictures of Leslie and Fred from multiple years from 1999-2008.
(Submitted by Leslie Jackson)

Sonia Lawson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Sonia Lawson taken at the 1999 AOTA Conference in Indianapolis, IN. There are pictures of Sonia and Fred from various years between 1999-2019.
(Submitted by Sonia Lawson)

Debra Lindstrom - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Debra Lindstrom taken at the 1999 AOTA Conference in Indianapolis, IN. There are photos of Debra and Fred from various years from 1993-2015.
(Submitted by Debra Lindstrom)

Kim Karr - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Kim Karr taken at the 1999 AOTA Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. There is a subsequent picture of Kim and Fred 20 years later in 2019.
(Submitted by Kim Karr)

Christy Nelson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Christy Nelson taken at the 2000 AOTA Conference in Seattle, WA.
(Submitted by Christy Nelson)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2000 AOTA Conference in Seattle, Washington. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Ben Atchison - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Ben Atchison, Fred Sammons, and LTC Paul Ellsworth taken at the 2000 AOTA Conference in Seattle, WA.
(Submitted by Ben Atchison)

Sonia Lawson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Sonia Lawson and Fred Sammons taken at the 2001 AOTA Conference in Philadelphia, PA. There are pictures of Sonia and Fred from various years between 1999-2019.
(Submitted by Sonia Lawson)

Kim Morgan - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Kim Morgan and Fred Sammons taken at the 2001 Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC) Conference in Sacramento, CA. There are photos of Kim and Fred from various years from 1993-2006.
(Submitted by Kim Morgan)

Leslie Jackson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Leslie Jackson taken at the 2001 AOTA Conference in Philadelphia, PA. There are pictures of Leslie and Fred from multiple years from 1999-2008.
(Submitted by Leslie Jackson)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2001 AOTA Conference in Philadelphia, PA. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Kim Morgan - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Kim Morgan taken at the 2002 AOTA Conference in Miami Beach, FL. There are photos of Kim and Fred from various years from 1993-2006.
(Submitted by Kim Morgan)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2002 AOTA Conference in Miami Beach, FL. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Leslie Jackson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Leslie Jackson taken at the 2003 AOTA Conference in Washington, DC. There are pictures of Leslie and Fred from multiple years from 1999-2008.
(Submitted by Leslie Jackson)

Reggie Michael Campbell - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Reggie Michael Campbell taken at the 2003 AOTA Conference in Washington, DC. There are pictures of Reggie and Fred from multiple years from the 1990s-2008.
(Submitted by Reggie Michael Campbell)

Sonia Lawson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Sonia Lawson taken at the 2003 AOTA Conference in Washington, DC. There are pictures of Sonia and Fred from various years between 1999-2019.
(Submitted by Sonia Lawson)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Jeff Casper and Fred Sammons taken at the 2003 AOTA Conference in Washington, DC. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Leslie Jackson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Leslie Jackson and Fred Sammons taken at the 2004 AOTA Conference in Minneapolis, MN. There are pictures of Leslie and Fred from multiple years from 1999-2008.
(Submitted by Leslie Jackson)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Jeff Casper and Fred Sammons taken at the 2004 AOTA Conference in Minneapolis, MN. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Reggie Michael Campbell - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Reggie Michael Campbell taken at the 2004 AOTA Conference in Minneapolis, MN. There are pictures of Reggie and Fred from multiple years from the 1990s-2008.
(Submitted by Reggie Michael Campbell)

Irma Alvarado - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Irma Alvarado and Fred Sammons taken at the 2005 AOTA Conference in Long Beach, California.
(Submitted by Irma Alvarado)

Sonia Lawson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Sonia Lawson taken at the 2007 AOTA Conference in Long Beach, CA. There are pictures of Sonia and Fred from various years between 1999-2019.
(Submitted by Sonia Lawson)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Jeff Casper and Fred Sammons taken at the 2005 AOTA Conference in Long Beach, CA. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Lori T. Andersen - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Lori T. Andersen and Fred Sammons taken at the 2005 AOTA Conference in Long Beach, California.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen)

Leslie Jackson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Leslie Jackson and Fred Sammons taken at the 2005 AOTA Conference in Long Beach, CA. There are pictures of Leslie and Fred from multiple years from 1999-2008.
(Submitted by Leslie Jackson)

Kim Morgan - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Kim Morgan taken at the 2006 AOTA Conference in Charlotte, CA. There are photos of Kim and Fred from various years from 1993-2006.
(Submitted by Kim Morgan)

Reggie Michael Campbell - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) unknown, Fred Sammons, and Reggie Michael Campbell taken at the 2006 AOTA Conference in Charlotte, NC. There are pictures of Reggie and Fred from multiple years from the 1990s-2008.
(Submitted by Reggie Michael Campbell)

Leslie Jackson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Leslie Jackson and Fred Sammons taken at the 2006 AOTA Conference in Charlotte, NC. There are pictures of Leslie and Fred from multiple years from 1999-2008.
(Submitted by Leslie Jackson)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2006 AOTA Conference in Charlotte, NC. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Christy Nelson - Diana Baldwin - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Diana Baldwin, Fred Sammons, and Christy Nelson taken at the 2006 AOTA Conference in Charlotte, NC.
(Submitted by Christy Nelson)

Sonia Lawson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Sonia Lawson and Fred Sammons taken at the 2007 AOTA Conference in St. Louis, MO. There are pictures of Sonia and Fred from various years between 1999-2019.
(Submitted by Sonia Lawson)

Reggie Michael Campbell - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Reggie Michael Campbell, Fred Sammons, Beth Cada, and Jane Rourke taken at the 2007 AOTA Conference in St. Louis, MI. There are pictures of Reggie and Fred from multiple years from the 1990s-2008.
(Submitted by Reggie Michael Campbell)

Reggie Michael Campbell - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Lauren Michael Campbell, Fred Sammons, and Reggie Michael Campbell taken at the 2007 AOTA Conference in St. Louis, MI. There are pictures of Reggie and Fred from multiple years from the 1990s-2008.
(Submitted by Reggie Michael Campbell)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2007 AOTA Conference in St. Louis, MO. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Ruth Ford - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Ruth Ford and Fred Sammons at the 2007 AOTA Conference in St. Louis, MO.
(Submitted by Ruth Ford)

Debra Lindstrom - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Debra Lindstrom taken at the 2008 AOTA Conference in Long Beach, CA. There are photos of Debra and Fred from various years from 1993-2015.
(Submitted by Debra Lindstrom)

Sonia Lawson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Sonia Lawson, Fred Sammons, and Julie Jones taken at the 2008 AOTA Conference in Long Beach, CA There are pictures of Sonia and Fred from various years between 1999-2019.
(Submitted by Sonia Lawson)

Reggie Michael Campbell - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Marsha Neville, Fred Sammons, and Reggie Michael Campbell taken at the 2008 AOTA Conference in Long Beach, CA. There are pictures of Reggie and Fred from multiple years from the 1990s-2008.
(Submitted by Reggie Michael Campbell)

Leslie Jackson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Leslie Jackson taken at the 2008 AOTA Conference in Long Beach, CA. There are pictures of Leslie and Fred from multiple years from 1999-2008.
(Submitted by Leslie Jackson)

Karen Morgenstein - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Karen Morgenstein and Fred Sammons at the 2008 AOTA Conference in Long Beach, CA.
(Submitted by Karen Morgenstein)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2008 AOTA Conference in Long Beach, CA. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Jeff Casper and Fred Sammons taken at the 2009 AOTA Conference in Houston, TX. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2010 AOTA Conference in Orlando, FL. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2011 AOTA Conference in Philadelphia, PA. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2012 AOTA Conference in Indianapolis, IN. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Jeff Casper and Fred Sammons taken at the 2013 AOTA Conference in San Diego, CA. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Jeff Casper and Fred Sammons taken at the 2014 AOTA Conference in Baltimore, MD. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2015 AOTA Conference in Nashville, TN. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Debra Lindstrom - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Debra Lindstrom taken at the 2015 AOTA Conference in Nashville, TN. There are photos of Debra and Fred from various years from 1993-2015.
(Submitted by Debra Lindstrom)

Debra Lindstrom - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Nancy Hock, Fred Sammons, and Debra Lindstrom taken at the 2015 AOTA Conference in Nashville, TN. There are photos of Debra and Fred from various years from 1993-2015.
(Submitted by Debra Lindstrom)

Carolyn Sithong - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Carolyn Sithong taken at the 2015 AOTA Conference in Nashville, TN.
(Submitted by Debra Lindstrom)

Diane Powers Dirette - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Diane Powers Dirette and Fred Sammons taken at the 2015 AOTA Conference in Nashville, TN.
(Submitted by Diane Powers Dirette)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2016 AOTA Conference in Chicago, IL. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Patrice VanMaldegiam - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Patrice VanMaldegiam and Fred Sammons taken at the 2016 AOTA Conference at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL on April 8, 2016.
(Submitted by Patrica VanMaldegiam)

Shirley O'Brien - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Shirley O'Brien and Fred Sammons taken at the 2016 AOTA Conference in Chicago, IL. There are pictures of Shirley and Fred ranging from at least the 1990s - 2018.
(Submitted by Shirley O'Brien)

Ann Burkhardt - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Ann Burkhardt taken at the 2017 AOTA Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
(Submitted by Ann Burkhardt)

Lesley Geyer - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Lesley Geyer and Fred Sammons taken at the 2017 AOTA Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
(Submitted by Lesley Geyer)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2017 AOTA Conference in Philadelphia, PA. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Elena Vizvary - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Elena Vizvary and Fred Sammons taken at the 2017 AOTA Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
(Submitted by Elena Vizvary)

Mashelle Painter - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Mashelle Painter taken at the 2017 AOTA Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
(Submitted by Mashelle Painter)

Allison Chamberlain Miller - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Diane Powers Dirette, Fred Sammons, and Allison Chamberlain Miller taken in front of the OJOT booth at the 2017 AOTA Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
(Submitted by Allison Chamberlain Miller)

Denise Justice - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Barbara Rider, Denise Justice, and Fred Sammons taken at the 2018 MiOTA Conference in Livonia, MI.
(Submitted by Denise Justice)

Gretchen Ward - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Gretchen Ward and Fred Sammons taken at the 2018 AOTA Conference in Salt Lake City, UT.
(Submitted by Gretchen Ward)

Heather Kuhaneck - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Heather Kuhaneck, Renee Watling, Fred Sammons, Yvonne Smith, and Dottie Handley-Moore taken at the 2018 AOTA Conference in Salt Lake City, UT.
(Submitted by Heather Kuhaneck)

Shirley O'Brien - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Shirley O'Brien and Fred Sammons taken at the 2018 AOTA Conference in Salt Lake City, UT. There are pictures of Shirley and Fred ranging from at least the 1990s - 2018.
(Submitted by Shirley O'Brien)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Jeff Casper taken at the 2018 AOTA Conference in Salt Lake City, UT. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Sandy Hanebrink - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Sandy Hanebrink taken at the 2019 AOTA Conference in New Orleans, LA.
(Submitted by Sandy Hanebrink)

Shirley Wells - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Shirley Wells and Fred Sammons taken at the 2019 AOTA Conference in New Orleans, LA.
(Submitted by Sandy Hanebrink)

Lisa Koch - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Lisa Koch and Fred Sammons taken at the 2018 AOTA Conference in Salt Lake City, UT.
(Submitted by Lisa Koch)

Lauren Gray - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Heather Dorman, Kimberly Snyder, Fred Sammons, Lauren Gray, and Betsy McDaniel taken at the 2019 AOTA Conference in New Orleans, LA.
(Submitted by Lauren Gray)

Sonia Lawson - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Sonia Lawson taken at the 2019 AOTA Conference in New Orleans, LA. There are pictures of Sonia and Fred from various years between 1999-2019.
(Submitted by Sonia Lawson)

Natasha Smet - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Natasha Smet, Zara Smet, and Fred Sammons taken at the 2019 AOTA Conference in New Orleans, LA.
(Submitted by Natasha Smet)

Tee Stock - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Tee Stock taken at the 2019 AOTA Conference in New Orleans, LA.
(Submitted by Tee Stock)

Yvonne Randall - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Yvonne Randall at the 2019 AOTA Conference in New Orleans, LA.
(Submitted by Yvonne Randall)

Denise Justice - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Denise Justice and Fred Sammons taken at the 2019 AOTA Conference in New Orleans, LA.
(Submitted by Denise Justice)

Jeff Casper - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Jeff Casper and Fred Sammons taken at the 2019 AOTA Conference in New Orleans, LA. There are pictures of Jeff and Fred every year from 2000-2019.
(Submitted by Jeff Casper)

Mary Spores - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Mary Spores taken at the 2019 AOTA Conference in New Orleans, LA. There is an earlier picture of Mary and Fred 25 years prior in 1994.
(Submitted by Mary Spores)

Kim Karr - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Fred Sammons and Kim Karr taken at the 2019 AOTA Conference in New Orleans, LA. There is an earlier picture of Kim and Fred 20 years prior in 1999.
(Submitted by Kim Karr)

Denise Justice - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Denise Justice and Fred Sammons taken at the 2022 MiOTA Conference in Grand Rapids, MI, featuring Fred's post-COVID hairstyle.
(Submitted by Denise Justice)

Debra Lindstrom - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Barbara Rider, Debra Lindstrom, Lynne Hall, Fred Sammons, and Lynda McKinnon who served on the planning committee for the 2022 WMU 100th Anniversary Celebration (pictured below) in Kalamazoo, MI.
(Submitted by Debra Lindstrom

Holly Grieves - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Holly Grieves and Fred Sammons taken at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI for the 100th year anniversary of the Department of Occupational Therapy on July 22, 2023. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Fred decided to not get his haircut to lower his risk of exposure, then decided to hold a public hair cutting event at WMU to raise funds for the infant hearing aids program in the Audiology Clinic at WMU.
(Submitted by Holly Grieves)

Marcia Atchison - Fred Sammons

Photo of (left to right) Marcia Feinstein Atchison and Fred Sammons taken at the Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI for the 100th Anniversary Celebration in 2022.
(Submitted by Ben Atchison)

Fred Sammons

Photo of Fred Sammons at the Fall 2024 MiOTA conference in Boyne Falls, MI doubling up ribbons to indicate his support for MiOTA for >50 years.
(Submitted by Denise Justice)


St. Peter's Episcopal Church

Miss Eleanor Mai Clark of Hobart, New York married Robert E. Slagle of Chicago, Illinois on April 19, 1894 in St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Hobart.  The church was founded in 1794.  The church building was constructed in 1801 and renovated in 1880.
(Submitted by Lori T. Andersen) 

Octagon Tower and Plaque

The Octagon Tower, part of the Lunatic Asylum on Blackwell’s Island where Susan Cox Johnson, one of the founders of the American Occupational Therapy Association, worked.  Blackwell’s Island is now known as Roosevelt Island.  The Octagon Tower is now part of this exclusive apartment complex.
(Submitted by Carol Lambdin-Pattavina)


Pottery Shop

These photographs of the pottery shop at Bloomingdale Hospital were taken in 1928. Gladys Lewis, occupational therapist, is the woman who appears in both photographs. The aunt of Barbara Thompson, OTD, LCSW, Professor Emerita Occupational Therapy, Russell Sage College, described the process she used with her patients to make pottery, which involved taking residents out to dig then prepare clay for use in the studio.
(Submitted by Barbara Thompson)

Packing the Kiln

Photograph of Gladys Lewis, occupational therapist, and an unidentified man with the caption “Packing the Kiln” in one of the workrooms at Bloomingdale Hospital, White Plains, NY (Westchester County) later known as The New York Hospital – Westchester Division. This photograph was taken in the late 1920s.  Bloomingdale Hospital was known for its highly regarded occupational therapy department.  The Men’s Therapeutic Occupations was directed by Louis J. Haas, occupational therapist who served as secretary of the National Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy prior to Eleanor Clarke Slagle term as secretary-treasurer.  Mr. Haas also served for several years on the American Occupational Therapy Association Board of Management.  Gladys Lewis was the aunt of Barbara Thompson, OTD, LCSW, Professor Emerita Occupational Therapy, Russell Sage College.  Growing up listening to her aunt’s stories inspired Barbara to pursue a career in occupational therapy.
(Submitted by Barbara Thompson)