Patricia S. Nagaishi is a dedicated occupational therapy practitioner, consultant, and leader who has served the profession for over 36 years. She currently is in school-based practice and has provided occupational therapy services to children and their families throughout her career, and shared her knowledge and expertise through roles in teaching, interdisciplinary training, and advocacy. She held consultant and leadership roles in practice and educational settings, and in professional organizations at the state and national level. She served two terms as president (2012-2016); one year as president-elect (2011-2012); and two terms as vice president (2007-2011); as well as several years as chair of the Practice, Ethics and Reimbursement Committee in the Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC). She also is a former California alternate representative for the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) Representative Assembly, AOTA Nominations Committee member, and AOTA Affiliated State Association Presidents (ASAP) member; as well as chaired multiple committees for other state entities or groups. She continues to be active in the OTAC School-Based Subcommittee, and its school-based OT and PT Credential Initiative group, and also serves as chair of the Autism Subcommittee; and is an OTAC Outstanding Service Award recipient.
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